पर्व परिचय-----Rakshabandhan../रक्षाबंधन ---
बंधन धागों का ----
रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार श्रावण मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाता है। भगवान विष्णु ने वामन अवतार धारण कर बलि राजा के अभिमान को इसी दिन चकानाचूर किया था। इसलिए यह त्योहार 'बलेव' नाम से भी प्रसिद्ध है। महाराष्ट्र राज्य में नारियल पूर्णिमा या श्रावणी के नाम से यह त्योहार विख्यात है। इस दिन लोग नदी या समुद्र के तट पर जाकर अपने जनेऊ बदलते हैं और समुद्र की पूजा करते हैं।
रक्षाबंधन के संबंध में एक अन्य पौराणिक कथा भी प्रसिद्ध है। देवों और दानवों के युद्ध में जब देवता हारने लगे, तब वे देवराज इंद्र के पास गए। देवताओं को भयभीत देखकर इंद्राणी ने उनके हाथों में रक्षासूत्र बाँध दिया। इससे देवताओं का आत्मविश्वास बढ़ा और उन्होंने दानवों पर विजय प्राप्त की। तभी से राखी बाँधने की प्रथा शुरू हुई। दूसरी मान्यता के अनुसार ऋषि-मुनियों के उपदेश की पूर्णाहुति इसी दिन होती थी। वे राजाओं के हाथों में रक्षासूत्र बाँधते थे। इसलिए आज भी इस दिन ब्राह्मण अपने यजमानों को राखी बाँधते हैं।
रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार भाई-बहन के पवित्र प्रेम का प्रतीक है। इस दिन बहन अपने भाई को प्यार से राखी बाँधती है और उसके लिए अनेक शुभकामनाएँ करती है। भाई अपनी बहन को यथाशक्ति उपहार देता है। बीते हुए बचपन की झूमती हुई याद भाई-बहन की आँखों के सामने नाचने लगती है। सचमुच, रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार हर भाई को बहन के प्रति अपने कर्तव्य की याद दिलाता है।
रक्षाबंधन सावन महीने में अाती है। रक्षाबंधन भाइयों अौर बहनों के लिये है। रक्षाबंधन में सब बहनें, अपने भाइयों के हाथ पर एक राखी लगातीं हैं। अौर भाई बहनों को पैसे देते हैं। राखी का मतलब है कि बहनों का प्यार है। अौर भाई पैसे देते हैं क्यों कि सब भाई चाहते हैं कि अपने बहनें ठीक रहती हैं, अौर वे हमेशा कुश रहती हैं। अौर बहनें अपने भाइयों को मिठाईयाँ देती हैं क्यों कि वे अपने भाइयों के लिये खाना पकाती हैं आौर इस का मतलब है कि कहनें अपने भाइयों के लिये कुछ भी कर सकती हैं अौर वे कुछ भी करेंगे
राखी के इन धागों ने अनेक कुरबानियाँ कराई हैं। चित्तौड़ की राजमाता कर्मवती ने मुग़ल बादशाह हुमायूँ को राखी भेजकर अपना भाई बनाया था और वह भी संकट के समय बहन कर्मवती की रक्षा के लिए चित्तौड़ आ पहुँचा था। आजकल तो बहन भाई को राखी बाँध देती है और भाई बहन को कुछ उपहार देकर अपना कर्तव्य पूरा कर लेता है। लोग इस बात को भूल गए हैं कि राखी के धागों का संबंध मन की पवित्र भावनाओं से हैं।
हिन्दू श्रावण मास (जुलाई-अगस्त) के पूर्णिमा के दिन मनाया जाने वाला यह त्यौहार भाई का बहन के प्रति प्यार का प्रतीक है। इस दिन बहन अपने भाइयों की कलाई में राखी बांधती है और उनकी दीर्घायु व प्रसन्नता के लिए प्रार्थना करती हैं ताकि विपत्ति के दौरान वे अपनी बहन की रक्षा कर सकें। बदले में भाई, अपनी बहनों की हर प्रकार के अहित से रक्षा करने का वचन उपहार के रूप में देते हैं। इन राखियों के बीच शुभ भावनाओं की पवित्र भावना होती है। यह त्यौहार मुख्यत: उत्तर भारत में मनाया जाता है।
रक्षा बंधन का इतिहास हिंदू पुराण कथाओं में है। हिंदू पुराण कथाओं के अनुसार, महाभारत में, (जो कि एक महान भारतीय महाकाव्य है) पांडवों की पत्नी द्रौपदी ने भगवान कृष्ण की कलाई से बहते खून (श्री कृष्ण ने भूल से खुद को जख्मी कर दिया था) को रोकने के लिए अपनी साड़ी का किनारा फाड़ कर बांधा था। इस प्रकार उन दोनो के बीच भाई और बहन का बंधन विकसित हुआ था, तथा श्री कृष्ण ने उसकी रक्षा करने का वचन दिया था।
यह जीवन की प्रगति और मैत्री की ओर ले जाने वाला एकता का एक बड़ा पवित्र कवित्त है। रक्षा का अर्थ है बचाव, और मध्यकालीन भारत में जहां कुछ स्थानों पर, महिलाएं असुरक्षित महसूस करती थी, वे पुरूषों को अपना भाई मानते हुए उनकी कलाई पर राखी बांधती थी। इस प्रकार राखी भाई और बहन के बीच प्यार के बंधन को मज़बूत बनाती है, तथा इस भावनात्मक बंधन को पुनर्जीवित करती है। इस दिन ब्राह्मण अपने पवित्र जनेऊ बदलते हैं और एक बार पुन: धर्मग्रन्थों के अध्ययन के प्रति स्वयं को समर्पित करते हैं।
Meaning & Significance of Raksha Bandhan--
The Meaning of Raksha Bandhan---
Relationships are the essence of any festivity and it holds true for any Indian festival. Each occasion brings the family together which calls for a celebration. Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of one such relation - that of a brother and a sister. This relationship is no where so celebrated as in India. Raksha Bandhan is a festival which celebrates the bond of affection between brothers and sisters. It is a day when siblings pray for each others' well being and wish for each others' happiness and goodwill.
The name 'Raksha Bandhan' suggests 'a bond of protection'. On this auspicious day, brothers make a promise to their sisters to protect them from all harms and troubles and the sisters pray to God to protect their brother from all evil. The festival falls on the Shravan Purnima which comes generally in the month of August. Sisters tie the silk thread called Rakhi on their brother's wrist and pray for their well being and brothers promise to take care of their sisters.
The Significance
Raksha Bandhan is now considered as a day to celebrate the sacred relation of a brother and a sister. Yet there have been examples in history where in rakhi has just been a raksha or protection. It could be tied by wife, a daughter or mother. The Rishis tied rakhi to the people who came seeking their blessings. The sages tied the sacred thread to themselves to safe guard them from the evil. It is by all means the 'Papa Todak, Punya Pradayak Parva' or the day that bestows boons and end all sins as it is mentioned in the scriptures.
Previously, Rakhi festival encompasses the warmth shared between the siblings but now it goes way beyond it. Some people tie Rakhi to neighbours and close friends signifying a peaceful co-existence of every individual. Rakhi Utsav was first popularized by Rabindranath Tagore to promote the feeling of unity and a commitment to all members of society to protect each other and encourage a harmonious Social life.
In today's scenario, the day has a different perspective. The occasion involves a pledge of life-time practice of moral, cultural and spiritual values. The values and the sentiments attached to the rituals of this festival are worth inculcating by the whole human race, the sentiments of harmony and peaceful coexistence. The festival of Raksha Bandhan assumes all forms of Raksha or protection, of righteousness and destroyer of all sin. The ritual of Rakhi tying has become so important that come what may, brothers and sisters try to visit each other place on this particular day tin order to bring back the oneness of the family, binding the family together in an emotional bond of love.
भाई-बहन के स्नेह का पर्व रक्षाबंधन
रक्षाबंधन जीवन को प्रगति व मैत्री की ओर ले जाने वाला एकता का एक बड़ा पवित्र त्योहार है।
रक्षा-बंधन भाई-बहन के स्नेह व ममता की डोर में बँधा ऐसा पर्व है, जिसे परस्पर विश्वास की डोर ने सदियों से बाँध रखा है।
रक्षा का अर्थ है बचाव। मध्यकालीन भारत में जहां कुछ स्थानों पर, महिलाएं असुरक्षित महसूस करती थीं, वे पुरूषों को अपना भाई मानते हुए उनकी कलाई पर राखी बांधती थीं। इस प्रकार राखी भाई और बहन के बीच प्यार के बंधन को मजबूत बनाती है।
श्रावण मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाने वाला पर्व रक्षा बंधन भाई बहन के प्रेम के प्रतीक का त्योहार है। इस दिन बहन अपने भाई की कलाई पर राखी बांध कर उसके माथे पर तिलक लगाकर सदैव उसकी विजय की कामना करती है। भाई प्रतिज्ञा करता है कि यथाशक्ति मैं अपनी बहन की रक्षा करूंगा।
मध्य कालीन इतिहास में एक ऐसी घटना दिल्ली में मिलती है जिसमें चित्तौड की रानी कर्मवती ने दिल्ली के मुगल बादशाह हुमायूं के पास राखी भेजकर अपना भाई बनाया था। हुमायूं ने राखी की इज्जत की और उसके सम्मान की रक्षा के लिए गुजरात के बादशाह से युद्ध किया।
भाई-बहन का लगाव व स्नेह ताउम्र बरकरार रहता है, क्योंकि बहन कभी बाल सखा तो कभी माँ तो कभी पथ-प्रदर्शक बन भाई को सिखाती है कि जिंदगी में यूँ आगे बढ़ो।
इसी तरह भाई कभी पिता तो कभी मित्र बन बहन को आगे बढ़ने का हौसला देता है।
Regional Names of Raksha Bandhan----
The diversity which is so much a part of the Indian culture has led to Rakhi being adapted in different ways across the length and breadth of this vast nation. The regional influences are the reason for these variations in the customs and traditions of Rakhi. In fact, in many regions, Raksha Bandhan holds a different meaning altogether.
Here we present the many names with which people of Indian origin know this cultural festival.
Rakhi - This is probably the most widely known identity of Raksha Bandhan. Rakhi is also the name of the thread which sisters tie on their brothers hands. It is the token of raksha or protection on which brothers take the pledge or promise to protect their sisters.
Rakhi Purnima - Another name for this famous Indian festival. This occasion is known as Rakhi Purnima as it falls on the full moon day or puranmasi or purnima of the month of 'Shravana' as per the Hindu calender. The month of Shravana is the month of gods and pujans (worships) and the full moon day is considered one of the most important days of all.
Nariyal Purnima - Rakhi or Raksha Bandhan is also called Nariyal Purnima which in Hindi literally means coconut full moon. In the Western Ghats that includes the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka Rakshabandhan signifies the beginning of a new season for people whose lifestyle and livelihood depends on sea.
Upakarmam/Avani Avittam - Rakhi Purnima is called Avani Avittam or Upakarmam in southern parts of India, in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and parts of Orissa. It is an auspicious occasion for the Brahmins of these regions. The day is also called Upakarmam by the Brahmins who change their holy threads on this day.
Kajari Purnima - In Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar, Rakhi is known as Shravani or Kajari Purnima. Rakshabandhan here is an important day for farmers and for the sons in every family.
Pavitropana - The festival of Rakshabandhan is celebrated as Pavitropana in Gujarat. This is the day when people perform a grand pooja or worship the three eyed God, Lord Shiva. It is also the culmination of prayers done throughout the year.
Raksha Bandhan Festival---
Raksha Bandhan is probably the only such occasion in the world which speaks of the delicate and elusive yet special relationship shared by siblings. Every individual born in a family is of a different nature even though they are born and brought up in a similar atmosphere. Rakhi festival gives meaning to the concept of family and relationships. It brings people together and binds them in a common thread of love and protection. Raksha Bandhan inculcates in us the value of of keeping true to promises made to self and to those you love. It encourages strength of character and honesty to values inculcated in us in our growing up years.
Celebrating Human Values : Raksha Bandhan
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Shravan which falls in the month of August(as per the Gregorian calender). Even though over the centuries it has been largely adapted as a non religious occasion. But, Rakhi is a festival that cannot be said to have a purely religious basis. This has been reaffirmed by the historical references to the contrary. History and legends present the picture of Raakhi being the one Indian festival that is more the day when a vow is taken by a brother in return of the confidence shown in him by his sister. Raksha Bandhan is an occasion that is bound more by human values and emotions rather than any age old rituals.
The Rakhi Ceremony
Rakhi ceremony is one which sanctifies the very values of commitment to ones true self and of keeping the honor of one's sister intact. It reflects the beauty and purity of humane side of Indian culture. The ceremony is also a study of a similar approach towards life and living. The day starts early with everyone taking a bath and remaining on empty stomach till the ceremony is over. Sisters prepare the Rakhi thali and proceed to perform 'aarti' of their brothers which is followed by the tying of rakhi thread and taking the elders blessings, there is also a tradition wherein siblings exchange Rakhi gifts.
Changing Times : Roots of Culture Are Still Deep
With increasing distances and the changing face of relationships, these values have become more relevant and important. Even if the time of family get-togethers is passe, brothers make sure to be at their sisters place on Raksha Bandhan. If it is not possible to be together on Rakshabandhan, sending Rakhi through mails and couriers is an option, but the thought of not remembering these very relationships on Rakhee is still considered unacceptable in Indian culture.
The festival is marked by the tying of a rakhi, or holy thread, by the sister on the wrist of her brother. The brother in return offers a gift to his sister and vows to look after her as she presents sweets to her brother. The brother and sister traditionally feed one another sweets. Since North Indian and Pakistani kinship practices give cousins a status similar to siblings, girls and women often tie the rakhi to their male cousins as well (referred to as cousin-brothers in regional parlance) in several communities.[10][11] Unrelated boys and men who are considered to be brothers (munh-bola bhai or adopted brothers) can also be tied rakhis, provided they commit to a lifelong obligation to provide protection to the woman or girl.[12]
Historical occurrences and mentions----
Santoshi Ma---
The tale of the deity Santoshi Mata, and the narrative of her creation on Raksha Bandhan day, was popularized in the 1975 Bollywood blockbuster Jai Santoshi Maa.Ganesh had two sons, Shubh and Labh. On Raksha Bandhan, Ganesh's sister visited and tied a rakhi on Ganesh's wrist. Feeling deprived, the sons immediately began pressing Ganesh and his two wives, Riddhi and Siddhi, for a sister. Finally, Ganesh conceded the demand and Santoshi Ma (literally the Mother Goddess of Satisfaction) was created by divine flames that emerged from Riddhi and Siddhi.[13]
Krishna and Draupadi----
Another incident is from the epic Mahabharat and concerns Krishna and Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas. She had once torn a strip of silk off her sari and tied it around Krishna's wrist to staunch the bleeding from a battlefield wound. Krishna was touched by her action and declared her to be his sister, even though they were unrelated. He promised to repay the debt and then spent the next 25 years doing just that. Draupadi, in spite of being married to 5 great warriors and being a daughter of a powerful monarch, trusted and depended wholly on Krishna. Krishna repaid the debt of love during the "Vastra-Haran" (literally "clothing-theft") of Draupadi, which occurred in the assembly of King Dhritarashtra when Yudhisthira lost her to the Kauravas in gambling. At that time, Krishna indefinitely extended her saree through divine intervention, so it could not be removed, to save her honor. This is how he honored his rakhi-vow towards Draupadi.[14]
King Bali and Goddess Laxmi----
According to a legend the Demon King Bali was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu had taken up the task to guard his kingdom leaving his own abode in Vaikunth. Goddess Lakshmi wished to be with her lord back in her abode. She went to Bali disguised as a woman to seek refuge till her husband came back.
During the Shravan Purnima celebrations, Lakshmi tied the sacred thread to the King. Upon being asked, she revealed who she was and why she was there. The king was touched by her goodwill for his family and her purpose and requested the Lord to accompany her. He sacrificed all he had for the Lord and his devoted wife.
Thus the festival is also called Baleva that is Bali Raja's devotion to the Lord. It is said that since then it has been a tradition to invite sisters in Shravan Purnima for the thread tying ceremony or the Raksha Bandhan.[15]
Yama and the Yamuna----
According to another legend, Raksha Bandhan was a ritual followed by Lord Yama (the Lord of Death) and his sister Yamuna, (the river in northern India). Yamuna tied rakhi to Yama and bestowed immortality. Yama was so moved by the serenity of the occasion that he declared that whoever gets a rakhi tied from his sister and promised her protection, will become immortal.
Alexander the Great and King Puru----
According to one legendary narrative, when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 BC, Roxana (or Roshanak, his wife) sent a sacred thread to Porus, asking him not to harm her husband in battle. In accordance with tradition, Porus gave full respect to the rakhi. On the battlefield, when Porus was about to deliver a final blow to Alexander, he saw the rakhi on his own wrist and restrained himself from attacking Alexander personally.[16]
Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun-----
A popular narrative that is centered around Rakhi is that of Rani Karnavati of Chittor and Mughal Emperor Humayun, which dates to 1535 CE. When Rani Karnavati, the widowed queen of the king of Chittor, realised that she could not defend against the invasion by the Sultan of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah, she sent a Rakhi to Emperor Humayun. Touched, the Emperor immediately set off with his troops to defend Chittor.[17] Humayun arrived too late, and Bahadur Shah managed to sack the Rani's fortress. Karnavati, along with a reported 13,000 other women in the fortress, carried out Jauhar on March 8, 1535, killing themselves to avoid dishonor while the men threw the gates open and rode out on a suicidal charge against Bahadur Shah's troops.[18][19] When he reached Chittor, Humayun evicted Bahadur Shah from fort and restored the kingdom to Karnavati's son, Vikramjit Singh.[18] Although contemporary commentators and memoirs do not mention the Rakhi episode and some historians have expressed skepticism about it, it is mentioned in one mid-seventeenth century Rajasthani account.[20]
Raksha Bandhan----
Two important festivals are celebrated during the bright fortnight in the month of Shravan. One is known as Upakarma ( see page ‘Sacred Thread’ and also page ‘Sacraments’ Upanayan Samskar) and the other as Raksha Bandhan.
The legend
Shravan purnima’s second festival is Raksha Bandhan. This is an ancient tradition. Bhavishya Purana refers to a battle between gods and demons, and Indra (the king of the gods) was feeling depressed. At that time Indra’s wife Sachi took a thread, charged it with sacred verses or Mantras for protection and tied it on Indra’s hand. Through the strength of this thread Indra conquered his enemies. Since then till today this festival is celebrated.
Through the passage of time festivals are undergoing modifications. Raksha Bandhan is also known as Rakhi. Rakhi has become a sacred festival for sisters and brothers. Sisters tie them to brothers. Priests tie them to people of his congregation. During the middle ages, if a woman tied a Rakhi on the hand of any man, then it became imperative for him, as his religious duty of the highest order, to protect that woman. That man would put his life at stake to protect the honour of that woman.
In those days, many Rajputs sacrificed their lives to protect their spiritual sisters. Humayun received a Rakhi from the queen Karmavati of Chittor and for that, Humayun carried out his sacred brotherly duty and protected her by opposing his own soldiers.
According to ancient traditions, it is customary to have protection threads that are charged with sacred verses (Mantras) and sanctified with rice, durva grass etc.; to have these tied by people who know the Vedas or by near and dear ones. This protection thread saves from sins on the one hand and removes diseases on the other hand. By tying this thread, protection is afforded for a full one year and all kinds of fears are removed.
Nowadays Rakhis are decorated with soft silky threads of various colours, and also with ornaments, pictures, gold and silver threads etc. These Rakhis enhance the artistry of the people. Within these Rakhis reside sacred feelings and well wishes. It is also a great sacred verse of unity. Acting as a symbol of life's advancement and a leading messenger of togetherness.
Each person should celebrate with enthusiasm this sacred festival of Rakhi or Raksha Bandhan. (Raksha = protection. Bandhan = tie).
रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार श्रावण मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाता है। भगवान विष्णु ने वामन अवतार धारण कर बलि राजा के अभिमान को इसी दिन चकानाचूर किया था। इसलिए यह त्योहार 'बलेव' नाम से भी प्रसिद्ध है। महाराष्ट्र राज्य में नारियल पूर्णिमा या श्रावणी के नाम से यह त्योहार विख्यात है। इस दिन लोग नदी या समुद्र के तट पर जाकर अपने जनेऊ बदलते हैं और समुद्र की पूजा करते हैं।
रक्षाबंधन के संबंध में एक अन्य पौराणिक कथा भी प्रसिद्ध है। देवों और दानवों के युद्ध में जब देवता हारने लगे, तब वे देवराज इंद्र के पास गए। देवताओं को भयभीत देखकर इंद्राणी ने उनके हाथों में रक्षासूत्र बाँध दिया। इससे देवताओं का आत्मविश्वास बढ़ा और उन्होंने दानवों पर विजय प्राप्त की। तभी से राखी बाँधने की प्रथा शुरू हुई। दूसरी मान्यता के अनुसार ऋषि-मुनियों के उपदेश की पूर्णाहुति इसी दिन होती थी। वे राजाओं के हाथों में रक्षासूत्र बाँधते थे। इसलिए आज भी इस दिन ब्राह्मण अपने यजमानों को राखी बाँधते हैं।
रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार भाई-बहन के पवित्र प्रेम का प्रतीक है। इस दिन बहन अपने भाई को प्यार से राखी बाँधती है और उसके लिए अनेक शुभकामनाएँ करती है। भाई अपनी बहन को यथाशक्ति उपहार देता है। बीते हुए बचपन की झूमती हुई याद भाई-बहन की आँखों के सामने नाचने लगती है। सचमुच, रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार हर भाई को बहन के प्रति अपने कर्तव्य की याद दिलाता है।
रक्षाबंधन सावन महीने में अाती है। रक्षाबंधन भाइयों अौर बहनों के लिये है। रक्षाबंधन में सब बहनें, अपने भाइयों के हाथ पर एक राखी लगातीं हैं। अौर भाई बहनों को पैसे देते हैं। राखी का मतलब है कि बहनों का प्यार है। अौर भाई पैसे देते हैं क्यों कि सब भाई चाहते हैं कि अपने बहनें ठीक रहती हैं, अौर वे हमेशा कुश रहती हैं। अौर बहनें अपने भाइयों को मिठाईयाँ देती हैं क्यों कि वे अपने भाइयों के लिये खाना पकाती हैं आौर इस का मतलब है कि कहनें अपने भाइयों के लिये कुछ भी कर सकती हैं अौर वे कुछ भी करेंगे
राखी के इन धागों ने अनेक कुरबानियाँ कराई हैं। चित्तौड़ की राजमाता कर्मवती ने मुग़ल बादशाह हुमायूँ को राखी भेजकर अपना भाई बनाया था और वह भी संकट के समय बहन कर्मवती की रक्षा के लिए चित्तौड़ आ पहुँचा था। आजकल तो बहन भाई को राखी बाँध देती है और भाई बहन को कुछ उपहार देकर अपना कर्तव्य पूरा कर लेता है। लोग इस बात को भूल गए हैं कि राखी के धागों का संबंध मन की पवित्र भावनाओं से हैं।
हिन्दू श्रावण मास (जुलाई-अगस्त) के पूर्णिमा के दिन मनाया जाने वाला यह त्यौहार भाई का बहन के प्रति प्यार का प्रतीक है। इस दिन बहन अपने भाइयों की कलाई में राखी बांधती है और उनकी दीर्घायु व प्रसन्नता के लिए प्रार्थना करती हैं ताकि विपत्ति के दौरान वे अपनी बहन की रक्षा कर सकें। बदले में भाई, अपनी बहनों की हर प्रकार के अहित से रक्षा करने का वचन उपहार के रूप में देते हैं। इन राखियों के बीच शुभ भावनाओं की पवित्र भावना होती है। यह त्यौहार मुख्यत: उत्तर भारत में मनाया जाता है।
रक्षा बंधन का इतिहास हिंदू पुराण कथाओं में है। हिंदू पुराण कथाओं के अनुसार, महाभारत में, (जो कि एक महान भारतीय महाकाव्य है) पांडवों की पत्नी द्रौपदी ने भगवान कृष्ण की कलाई से बहते खून (श्री कृष्ण ने भूल से खुद को जख्मी कर दिया था) को रोकने के लिए अपनी साड़ी का किनारा फाड़ कर बांधा था। इस प्रकार उन दोनो के बीच भाई और बहन का बंधन विकसित हुआ था, तथा श्री कृष्ण ने उसकी रक्षा करने का वचन दिया था।
यह जीवन की प्रगति और मैत्री की ओर ले जाने वाला एकता का एक बड़ा पवित्र कवित्त है। रक्षा का अर्थ है बचाव, और मध्यकालीन भारत में जहां कुछ स्थानों पर, महिलाएं असुरक्षित महसूस करती थी, वे पुरूषों को अपना भाई मानते हुए उनकी कलाई पर राखी बांधती थी। इस प्रकार राखी भाई और बहन के बीच प्यार के बंधन को मज़बूत बनाती है, तथा इस भावनात्मक बंधन को पुनर्जीवित करती है। इस दिन ब्राह्मण अपने पवित्र जनेऊ बदलते हैं और एक बार पुन: धर्मग्रन्थों के अध्ययन के प्रति स्वयं को समर्पित करते हैं।
Meaning & Significance of Raksha Bandhan--
The Meaning of Raksha Bandhan---
Relationships are the essence of any festivity and it holds true for any Indian festival. Each occasion brings the family together which calls for a celebration. Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of one such relation - that of a brother and a sister. This relationship is no where so celebrated as in India. Raksha Bandhan is a festival which celebrates the bond of affection between brothers and sisters. It is a day when siblings pray for each others' well being and wish for each others' happiness and goodwill.
The name 'Raksha Bandhan' suggests 'a bond of protection'. On this auspicious day, brothers make a promise to their sisters to protect them from all harms and troubles and the sisters pray to God to protect their brother from all evil. The festival falls on the Shravan Purnima which comes generally in the month of August. Sisters tie the silk thread called Rakhi on their brother's wrist and pray for their well being and brothers promise to take care of their sisters.
The Significance
Raksha Bandhan is now considered as a day to celebrate the sacred relation of a brother and a sister. Yet there have been examples in history where in rakhi has just been a raksha or protection. It could be tied by wife, a daughter or mother. The Rishis tied rakhi to the people who came seeking their blessings. The sages tied the sacred thread to themselves to safe guard them from the evil. It is by all means the 'Papa Todak, Punya Pradayak Parva' or the day that bestows boons and end all sins as it is mentioned in the scriptures.
Previously, Rakhi festival encompasses the warmth shared between the siblings but now it goes way beyond it. Some people tie Rakhi to neighbours and close friends signifying a peaceful co-existence of every individual. Rakhi Utsav was first popularized by Rabindranath Tagore to promote the feeling of unity and a commitment to all members of society to protect each other and encourage a harmonious Social life.
In today's scenario, the day has a different perspective. The occasion involves a pledge of life-time practice of moral, cultural and spiritual values. The values and the sentiments attached to the rituals of this festival are worth inculcating by the whole human race, the sentiments of harmony and peaceful coexistence. The festival of Raksha Bandhan assumes all forms of Raksha or protection, of righteousness and destroyer of all sin. The ritual of Rakhi tying has become so important that come what may, brothers and sisters try to visit each other place on this particular day tin order to bring back the oneness of the family, binding the family together in an emotional bond of love.
भाई-बहन के स्नेह का पर्व रक्षाबंधन
रक्षाबंधन जीवन को प्रगति व मैत्री की ओर ले जाने वाला एकता का एक बड़ा पवित्र त्योहार है।
रक्षा-बंधन भाई-बहन के स्नेह व ममता की डोर में बँधा ऐसा पर्व है, जिसे परस्पर विश्वास की डोर ने सदियों से बाँध रखा है।
रक्षा का अर्थ है बचाव। मध्यकालीन भारत में जहां कुछ स्थानों पर, महिलाएं असुरक्षित महसूस करती थीं, वे पुरूषों को अपना भाई मानते हुए उनकी कलाई पर राखी बांधती थीं। इस प्रकार राखी भाई और बहन के बीच प्यार के बंधन को मजबूत बनाती है।
श्रावण मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाने वाला पर्व रक्षा बंधन भाई बहन के प्रेम के प्रतीक का त्योहार है। इस दिन बहन अपने भाई की कलाई पर राखी बांध कर उसके माथे पर तिलक लगाकर सदैव उसकी विजय की कामना करती है। भाई प्रतिज्ञा करता है कि यथाशक्ति मैं अपनी बहन की रक्षा करूंगा।
मध्य कालीन इतिहास में एक ऐसी घटना दिल्ली में मिलती है जिसमें चित्तौड की रानी कर्मवती ने दिल्ली के मुगल बादशाह हुमायूं के पास राखी भेजकर अपना भाई बनाया था। हुमायूं ने राखी की इज्जत की और उसके सम्मान की रक्षा के लिए गुजरात के बादशाह से युद्ध किया।
भाई-बहन का लगाव व स्नेह ताउम्र बरकरार रहता है, क्योंकि बहन कभी बाल सखा तो कभी माँ तो कभी पथ-प्रदर्शक बन भाई को सिखाती है कि जिंदगी में यूँ आगे बढ़ो।
इसी तरह भाई कभी पिता तो कभी मित्र बन बहन को आगे बढ़ने का हौसला देता है।
Regional Names of Raksha Bandhan----
The diversity which is so much a part of the Indian culture has led to Rakhi being adapted in different ways across the length and breadth of this vast nation. The regional influences are the reason for these variations in the customs and traditions of Rakhi. In fact, in many regions, Raksha Bandhan holds a different meaning altogether.
Here we present the many names with which people of Indian origin know this cultural festival.
Rakhi - This is probably the most widely known identity of Raksha Bandhan. Rakhi is also the name of the thread which sisters tie on their brothers hands. It is the token of raksha or protection on which brothers take the pledge or promise to protect their sisters.
Rakhi Purnima - Another name for this famous Indian festival. This occasion is known as Rakhi Purnima as it falls on the full moon day or puranmasi or purnima of the month of 'Shravana' as per the Hindu calender. The month of Shravana is the month of gods and pujans (worships) and the full moon day is considered one of the most important days of all.
Nariyal Purnima - Rakhi or Raksha Bandhan is also called Nariyal Purnima which in Hindi literally means coconut full moon. In the Western Ghats that includes the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka Rakshabandhan signifies the beginning of a new season for people whose lifestyle and livelihood depends on sea.
Upakarmam/Avani Avittam - Rakhi Purnima is called Avani Avittam or Upakarmam in southern parts of India, in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and parts of Orissa. It is an auspicious occasion for the Brahmins of these regions. The day is also called Upakarmam by the Brahmins who change their holy threads on this day.
Kajari Purnima - In Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar, Rakhi is known as Shravani or Kajari Purnima. Rakshabandhan here is an important day for farmers and for the sons in every family.
Pavitropana - The festival of Rakshabandhan is celebrated as Pavitropana in Gujarat. This is the day when people perform a grand pooja or worship the three eyed God, Lord Shiva. It is also the culmination of prayers done throughout the year.
Raksha Bandhan Festival---
Raksha Bandhan is probably the only such occasion in the world which speaks of the delicate and elusive yet special relationship shared by siblings. Every individual born in a family is of a different nature even though they are born and brought up in a similar atmosphere. Rakhi festival gives meaning to the concept of family and relationships. It brings people together and binds them in a common thread of love and protection. Raksha Bandhan inculcates in us the value of of keeping true to promises made to self and to those you love. It encourages strength of character and honesty to values inculcated in us in our growing up years.
Celebrating Human Values : Raksha Bandhan
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Shravan which falls in the month of August(as per the Gregorian calender). Even though over the centuries it has been largely adapted as a non religious occasion. But, Rakhi is a festival that cannot be said to have a purely religious basis. This has been reaffirmed by the historical references to the contrary. History and legends present the picture of Raakhi being the one Indian festival that is more the day when a vow is taken by a brother in return of the confidence shown in him by his sister. Raksha Bandhan is an occasion that is bound more by human values and emotions rather than any age old rituals.
The Rakhi Ceremony
Rakhi ceremony is one which sanctifies the very values of commitment to ones true self and of keeping the honor of one's sister intact. It reflects the beauty and purity of humane side of Indian culture. The ceremony is also a study of a similar approach towards life and living. The day starts early with everyone taking a bath and remaining on empty stomach till the ceremony is over. Sisters prepare the Rakhi thali and proceed to perform 'aarti' of their brothers which is followed by the tying of rakhi thread and taking the elders blessings, there is also a tradition wherein siblings exchange Rakhi gifts.
Changing Times : Roots of Culture Are Still Deep
With increasing distances and the changing face of relationships, these values have become more relevant and important. Even if the time of family get-togethers is passe, brothers make sure to be at their sisters place on Raksha Bandhan. If it is not possible to be together on Rakshabandhan, sending Rakhi through mails and couriers is an option, but the thought of not remembering these very relationships on Rakhee is still considered unacceptable in Indian culture.
The festival is marked by the tying of a rakhi, or holy thread, by the sister on the wrist of her brother. The brother in return offers a gift to his sister and vows to look after her as she presents sweets to her brother. The brother and sister traditionally feed one another sweets. Since North Indian and Pakistani kinship practices give cousins a status similar to siblings, girls and women often tie the rakhi to their male cousins as well (referred to as cousin-brothers in regional parlance) in several communities.[10][11] Unrelated boys and men who are considered to be brothers (munh-bola bhai or adopted brothers) can also be tied rakhis, provided they commit to a lifelong obligation to provide protection to the woman or girl.[12]
Historical occurrences and mentions----
Santoshi Ma---
The tale of the deity Santoshi Mata, and the narrative of her creation on Raksha Bandhan day, was popularized in the 1975 Bollywood blockbuster Jai Santoshi Maa.Ganesh had two sons, Shubh and Labh. On Raksha Bandhan, Ganesh's sister visited and tied a rakhi on Ganesh's wrist. Feeling deprived, the sons immediately began pressing Ganesh and his two wives, Riddhi and Siddhi, for a sister. Finally, Ganesh conceded the demand and Santoshi Ma (literally the Mother Goddess of Satisfaction) was created by divine flames that emerged from Riddhi and Siddhi.[13]
Krishna and Draupadi----
Another incident is from the epic Mahabharat and concerns Krishna and Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas. She had once torn a strip of silk off her sari and tied it around Krishna's wrist to staunch the bleeding from a battlefield wound. Krishna was touched by her action and declared her to be his sister, even though they were unrelated. He promised to repay the debt and then spent the next 25 years doing just that. Draupadi, in spite of being married to 5 great warriors and being a daughter of a powerful monarch, trusted and depended wholly on Krishna. Krishna repaid the debt of love during the "Vastra-Haran" (literally "clothing-theft") of Draupadi, which occurred in the assembly of King Dhritarashtra when Yudhisthira lost her to the Kauravas in gambling. At that time, Krishna indefinitely extended her saree through divine intervention, so it could not be removed, to save her honor. This is how he honored his rakhi-vow towards Draupadi.[14]
King Bali and Goddess Laxmi----
According to a legend the Demon King Bali was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu had taken up the task to guard his kingdom leaving his own abode in Vaikunth. Goddess Lakshmi wished to be with her lord back in her abode. She went to Bali disguised as a woman to seek refuge till her husband came back.
During the Shravan Purnima celebrations, Lakshmi tied the sacred thread to the King. Upon being asked, she revealed who she was and why she was there. The king was touched by her goodwill for his family and her purpose and requested the Lord to accompany her. He sacrificed all he had for the Lord and his devoted wife.
Thus the festival is also called Baleva that is Bali Raja's devotion to the Lord. It is said that since then it has been a tradition to invite sisters in Shravan Purnima for the thread tying ceremony or the Raksha Bandhan.[15]
Yama and the Yamuna----
According to another legend, Raksha Bandhan was a ritual followed by Lord Yama (the Lord of Death) and his sister Yamuna, (the river in northern India). Yamuna tied rakhi to Yama and bestowed immortality. Yama was so moved by the serenity of the occasion that he declared that whoever gets a rakhi tied from his sister and promised her protection, will become immortal.
Alexander the Great and King Puru----
According to one legendary narrative, when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 BC, Roxana (or Roshanak, his wife) sent a sacred thread to Porus, asking him not to harm her husband in battle. In accordance with tradition, Porus gave full respect to the rakhi. On the battlefield, when Porus was about to deliver a final blow to Alexander, he saw the rakhi on his own wrist and restrained himself from attacking Alexander personally.[16]
Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun-----
A popular narrative that is centered around Rakhi is that of Rani Karnavati of Chittor and Mughal Emperor Humayun, which dates to 1535 CE. When Rani Karnavati, the widowed queen of the king of Chittor, realised that she could not defend against the invasion by the Sultan of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah, she sent a Rakhi to Emperor Humayun. Touched, the Emperor immediately set off with his troops to defend Chittor.[17] Humayun arrived too late, and Bahadur Shah managed to sack the Rani's fortress. Karnavati, along with a reported 13,000 other women in the fortress, carried out Jauhar on March 8, 1535, killing themselves to avoid dishonor while the men threw the gates open and rode out on a suicidal charge against Bahadur Shah's troops.[18][19] When he reached Chittor, Humayun evicted Bahadur Shah from fort and restored the kingdom to Karnavati's son, Vikramjit Singh.[18] Although contemporary commentators and memoirs do not mention the Rakhi episode and some historians have expressed skepticism about it, it is mentioned in one mid-seventeenth century Rajasthani account.[20]
Raksha Bandhan----
Two important festivals are celebrated during the bright fortnight in the month of Shravan. One is known as Upakarma ( see page ‘Sacred Thread’ and also page ‘Sacraments’ Upanayan Samskar) and the other as Raksha Bandhan.
The legend
Shravan purnima’s second festival is Raksha Bandhan. This is an ancient tradition. Bhavishya Purana refers to a battle between gods and demons, and Indra (the king of the gods) was feeling depressed. At that time Indra’s wife Sachi took a thread, charged it with sacred verses or Mantras for protection and tied it on Indra’s hand. Through the strength of this thread Indra conquered his enemies. Since then till today this festival is celebrated.
Through the passage of time festivals are undergoing modifications. Raksha Bandhan is also known as Rakhi. Rakhi has become a sacred festival for sisters and brothers. Sisters tie them to brothers. Priests tie them to people of his congregation. During the middle ages, if a woman tied a Rakhi on the hand of any man, then it became imperative for him, as his religious duty of the highest order, to protect that woman. That man would put his life at stake to protect the honour of that woman.
In those days, many Rajputs sacrificed their lives to protect their spiritual sisters. Humayun received a Rakhi from the queen Karmavati of Chittor and for that, Humayun carried out his sacred brotherly duty and protected her by opposing his own soldiers.
According to ancient traditions, it is customary to have protection threads that are charged with sacred verses (Mantras) and sanctified with rice, durva grass etc.; to have these tied by people who know the Vedas or by near and dear ones. This protection thread saves from sins on the one hand and removes diseases on the other hand. By tying this thread, protection is afforded for a full one year and all kinds of fears are removed.
Nowadays Rakhis are decorated with soft silky threads of various colours, and also with ornaments, pictures, gold and silver threads etc. These Rakhis enhance the artistry of the people. Within these Rakhis reside sacred feelings and well wishes. It is also a great sacred verse of unity. Acting as a symbol of life's advancement and a leading messenger of togetherness.
Each person should celebrate with enthusiasm this sacred festival of Rakhi or Raksha Bandhan. (Raksha = protection. Bandhan = tie).
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